Rules of Play & Code of Conduct
Softball/Baseball Rules
TBall Kindergarten Rules
Boys Baseball Rules
Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct for Players
- Play the game for the game's sake
- Be generous when you win.
- Be gracious when you lose.
- Be fair always, no matter what the cost.
- Obey the rules of the game.
- Work for the good of your team.
- Accept the decisions of the officials with grace.
- Believe in the honesty of your opponents.
- Conduct yourself with honor and dignity.
- Honestly and wholeheartedly applaud the efforts of your teammates and opponents.
Parent Responsibilities
The Lafayette Moraga Youth Association (LMYA) is a volunteer-staffed organization that offers recreational sports activities for the children of our community. The primary goal of the LMYA program is to provide a safe, enjoyable environment in which our children can develop sports skills, as well as experience in a positive manner the emotional social benefits of team play.
The role of parents is critical to the success of the LMYA program. It is, therefore, important that you follow the guidelines set forth below.
- Fulfill your volunteer obligation willingly, knowing that the effort you put forth will directly impact your child's LMYA experience.
- Always keep in mind that LMYA is a recreational sports program with an emphasis on developing skills and having fun. Although competition is a natural part of sports activities, do not make winning the primary goal for you or your child.
- Support your child and his/her team in a positive manner. Cheer for your child and his/her team, not against the opposing player or team.
- Always show respect for all players, coaches, game officials and other fans. Allow for the fact that anyone can make a mistake. Set a positive example for our children with your behavior.
- Follow the regulations set forth by the school district for use of its facilities. All school property is smoke-alcohol-and drug free.
Code of Conduct for Coaches
The Lafayette-Moraga Youth association (LMYA) is a volunteer-staffed organization that offers recreational sports activities for children of the community. The primary goal of the LMYA program is to provide a safe, enjoyable environment in which our children can develop sports skills, as well as experience in a positive manner the emotional and social benefits of team play. All children participating in LMYA's programs are guaranteed playing time. The guiding principle behind the enforcement of this code is that the behavior of everyone involved in LMYA should enhance the children's safe enjoyment of the sport.
- Set a good example for participants and fans to follow.
- Respect officials and their judgment and abide by the rules of the event.
- Treat opposing coaches, participants and spectators with respect.
- Instruct participants in sportsmanship and demand they display good sportsmanship.
- Coach in a positive manner and do not use derogatory comments or abusive language.
- At least two adults present at all practices and events.
- Any complaints concerning a coach who has violated this code shall be first brought to the attention of the Sport Commissioner.
- All complaints will be thoroughly investigated and penalties may occur at the discretion of the Sport Commissioner, whose decision wil be final.
- Coaches may be placed on probation or suspended from LMYA activities for violation of this code.
- Any coach suspended from all LMYA activities for violation of this code, will receive a letter from the LMYA Board. After a reasonable period of time, not less than one week, that individual may apply to the Board to be reinstated as a coach.
- Any coach ejected from a game because of unsportsmanlike conduct will be suspended for the next two events and may be subject to additional penalties.
- Any coach who physically abuses another person will be suspended for the remainder of the season and may be disqualified from any subsequent LMYA participation.
- At least two adults present at all practices and events.