LMYA's Mission Statement:

To build self-esteem, sportsmanship, well-rounded players and community by providing year-round sports opportunities to school age youth in Lafayette and Moraga

We are:

• The largest athletic organization in Lafayette and Moraga, founded in 1954

• Non-discriminatory, open to all school age youth, regardless of age, race and skill-level

• Partners with parents, residents, local sport teams and organizations

• Based in Lafayette and Moraga, but also serving surrounding communities

We are committed to:

  • Having fun and engaging in positive, healthy competition
  • Exposing children to a variety of sports to develop different muscles and skills
  • Creating a holistic approach to sports, health and wellness rather than being a path to High School Sports
  • Offering equal game time and position opportunity given equal player commitment
  • Managing team time commitment to allow players the opportunity for unstructured practice and/or participation in other activities
  • Developing skills and teaching the fundamentals of strategy
  • Fostering camaraderie and reliability through team play
  • Teaching life lessons in a safe, constructive environment
  • Educating coaches, trainers and parents to support their athletes as they grow
  • Providing older youth work opportunities in which they serve as role models in leadership roles
  • Building our community through local games, inclusive events and team camaraderie